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The Rodrigues Family

As UPCI missionary to the republic of Portugal, we pray that you will be blessed as we share with you: our vision, burden and passion for the souls of Portugal.Because of the call God has placed in our heart, a call to evangelism and revival in the country of Portugal, it is more than just a location on the map or a culture of people. Today we believe the country is a wide open door to more than 11,000,000 souls in need of ACTS 2:38.Remember us in your prayers as we embark upon this life long commitment to carry this beautiful, life-changing message to the nation of Portugal. Please allow us to use the prayer request of one of our greatest missonaries of all time, Apostle Paul.

II Thessolonians 3:1 "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you."



Yours for His service,

The Rodrigues Family